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Tremel Blan

posted 06-20-2006 11:06 PM    
Just thought I'd say hello. I'm a friend of Rykounagin, if that means anything to anyone... once again, hi, and I hope I have some fun here!


posted 06-21-2006 12:22 AM    
Welcome to the Pod, Tremel! I read your character description... YAY. Someone to write for another Impy, we could use that!!

Go ahead and read through the story synopsis (in terrible need of updating) and rules n' regs n' so on. I'm sure Ryk has already filled you in on the way things go around here...

I'm happy to see a new face here, especially one who wishes to join into RP. Any friend of Ryk's is a friend of ours.

Once again, welcome, and don't be afraid to ask questions!


posted 06-21-2006 12:52 AM    
Hey Trem! Good to see ya!

Hey Grey, by "friend of ryks is a friend of ours", don't you mean, "next on the chopping blo-" *head rolls down the stairs*


posted 06-21-2006 09:36 AM    
This lil Sith Adept would like to welcome you to the Pod, Tremel. Hope to see your character enter the RP soon, it is nice to see a new Imperial character.

Too bad most of my characters don't like Impies... *grins*

[ 06-22-2006 12:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]

Tremel Blan

posted 06-21-2006 11:55 PM    
Haha. Actually, I read the rules n' regs before I joined. That's what I do... Ryk, I suggest you go get your head back. You might need it someday.

And to the rest of you, thanks! I'm glad to be here.

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-02-2006 08:55 AM    
Near as I remember... Jacen Lancaster doesn't care too much for ANYONE... Let alone the Impys


posted 07-02-2006 12:56 PM    
He cares enough for our famous Sith brandy--

--something which might one day prove useful.

OOPS. *bats eyes* Did I say that?

[ 07-02-2006 12:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by ShaRhylla ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-02-2006 07:30 PM    
Hey! Did someone say Sith Brandy?!?!?

You know what they say about brandy...

...she's a fiiiiiine girl...