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posted 05-30-2005 05:49 PM    
i was looking for somewhere to start posting, and this looks like the place to do it! I'm glad to be here! what really attracted me to the site was the role play forums. i've wanted to get in to some really creative star wars rp that i didn't feel i could find elsewhere. so i hope i can make a worthy contribution. any suggestions on where to start?


posted 05-30-2005 06:28 PM    
well, if you haven't already, you should start by creating a character in the Descriptions Forum

then once we know what type of character you are (I'm getting a funny feeling you just may be a good guy) btw, that's a good thing.

So have a great time!
Glad to have you!



posted 05-30-2005 06:31 PM    
Hey Ender, glad to have you! Suggestions? Read the story synopsis (which is probably seriously outdated), and post your character's description in the descriptions forum (which you can find by going to the thread "descriptions" in the RP Headquarters). Make sure you check out the characters "The Ancient Sith" and "The All" while you are there.

Hope this is helpful. And again, glad to have you.


posted 05-30-2005 06:59 PM    
BLATANT COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT!!!! *cough* anyway, I hope you enjoy the RP, the forums, ect. ect.


posted 05-30-2005 07:14 PM    
hehe not ender like from enders game if thats what you are thinking. Name is Ender Segura. I use it for most of my RPing.

thanks for the suggestions!


posted 05-30-2005 08:47 PM    
Are you referring to my post?

*crosses arms and taps foot irritably*


posted 05-31-2005 12:53 AM    
2 posts and people are mad at me! OH NO!

not at all! i assure you i was refering to the question of my name and it's copyright implications. but how can you copyright a name?


posted 05-31-2005 11:24 AM    
Hehe... welcome to The Pod and our little role playing world, Ender! Glad to have you aboard!

Please read the rules n' regs (there really aren't that many, heh) and as you get the time I highly suggest you read the descriptions of the other active characters whose thread/s you are NOT involved with. This is something I recommend to EVERYONE, since all threads are concurrent to one another; thus at any one time a "loose" character from one thread may jump into any thread with another -- if a logical means of that occurring is written, that is.
(This is a reminder to everyone, by the way. The threads/individual storylines can be merged together; all characters "live" in our universe but as with the "real" universe often don't have a clue as to the other's existence.)

However, things such as the past destruction of the Senate and Jedi Praxeum should be something ALL characters are aware of; I hope no one is going off anywhere "to learn at the Praxeum on Yavin 4..."

Also, please read up on "Blockades and such" in the RP HQ. Should you (or anyone from these CSWU threads) for any reason have to return to any of the blockaded worlds, contact me for informatiion as to what thread queries should be directed. ie: approaching Coruscant, you would hail the blockade requesting landing permission. This would of course be written in the thread you are in, but would also need to be in the correct thread -- in italics -- where the blockade is. The current thread dealing with Coruscant, that would be.

If this sounds confusing... yeah. Hehe. Just contact me if and when this kind of situation would arise and I'll send you the info you would need.

Other than that, the Sith are a race (but the majority of the galaxy doesn't know this, so to them the Sith are as Lucas presented) and Lucas's "Sith" are really Dark Jedi. That is, as mentioned, writer's knowledge; there are scarcely any characters who would know otherwise at the moment as the Sith's resurrection is still a big secret.

Have fun role playing with us; also, something to consider: the current "Top Dog" of our "Empire" is Lt. General Sorben Tarnus; long ago he gave permission for a new Praxeum to be built on Tatooine. I don't believe anyone has gone off in this direction yet... Tatooine has an "Imperial" blockade about it, by the way.

Just fyi.

Anyway, welcome aboard! Any questions, feel free to PM or email either me or Mara1Jade or Patternghost.

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-31-2005 07:49 PM    
Ender, welcome aboard and i must agree with Major-Konig you made a good entrace into the story. I look forward to seeing where things go.