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Mira Tukiano

posted 03-09-2005 08:00 PM    
Hello everyone, I am new here and hope to have a great time. Will post in an entry post in a few days. Breif Question, who needs a good tech? just would like to know.


posted 03-09-2005 08:02 PM    
Hey welcome to the POD! I think the tech question is a good one, but maybe others will answer that question!

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-09-2005 10:23 PM    
I presume that you are looking for someone who needs a good tech since you want to work for them since you are a tech. (Sorry if that was a little confusing) If you want a partener, I would like a good tech to be at my side. Though i am not much of a fighter myself.


posted 03-09-2005 10:27 PM    
Good sir/madam, you need to get a description.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-09-2005 10:51 PM    
It won't let me register on the descriptions. says something about temperaroly not allowing new members. So I wait. Perhaps I will PM my description to someone so that they can post it. But only if it takes to long to fix. I have faith.


posted 03-09-2005 11:01 PM    
You just use your normal loggin as Mira.

Rico Riven

posted 03-09-2005 11:50 PM    
I just created a test character (which the moderator can delete) and it worked fine. You should probably try again, just go to the description forum, go to the character area, and hit "New topic" and put your character info there.

Good luck!


posted 03-10-2005 12:57 PM    
I would be interested in a tech for help on my ship, so if we meet in the Rp, I'll be happy to give you a job.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-10-2005 03:41 PM    
Well, Major Konig, I have read up on your posts/description as well as Takeshi's, and will probably work with Kovacs if that is okay with him. I find his character more interesting, and think he would be a better partener. I am presuming you still want a tech for your partener Takeshi?

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-11-2005 03:49 PM    
Thanks, Mira. And if you ever want a good time to meet me, and possibly help me out, now would be a good time to do so. I kinda put myslef in a pickle. And I don't want to use godlike, GM powers to get out. Besides, it is better if your character is put in hard situations not just simple kill this guy, kill that guy. Much funner if you are not a combat god.


posted 03-11-2005 04:18 PM    
Ummm... escuse me but may I interject here that the above is seriously close to collaboration?

This is a ROLE PLAY site. The key words here are surprise and spontaneity. (As well as character and story development, NOT combat-oriented, which here is actually impossible to take through to a logical conclusion.)

Authors do NOT plan ahead with each other. Role play questions between authors are of course permitted if it is to clarify a post.

Sooo any newcomers need to figure out how best to interject themselves into play in a logical manner.

Thank you.

[ 03-11-2005 04:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 03-11-2005 05:58 PM    
Sorry Graysith, just stating that I need a Tech, It was absurdly close to collaboration.

Mira, I was looking forward to working with you, but oh well, have fun with Takeshi, see you in the Rp soon enough...

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-11-2005 09:59 PM    
I am sorry Graysith, I had no idea that we were not allowed to ask if there was a good place to go in. I am sorry and will just let the creation fluids go! I will look out for collagborating in the future. Oops.


posted 03-19-2005 08:55 PM    
Wazup peeps! i am new and am just reading through stuff.


posted 03-19-2005 09:19 PM    
Hey, does anyone need help? I am trying to find a place and a job, but since I am inexperienced, i thought that maybe someone needed a partner. Let me know if you do.

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-20-2005 08:06 AM    
Um, you might want to start a new topic and introduce your self. Same Forum, just a new topic.