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posted 02-17-2005 12:04 AM    
Hello everyone! Well I've been searching for some SW roleplay for several years now =/ I used to rp SW all the time, then the forum vanished as did most of the people =(
I'm looking to create my new character and begin roleplaying again! ^.^


posted 02-17-2005 01:05 AM    
Welcome Kitiana!

Wow. How could you have missed us? We've been hanging around here since... well, I think since summer 2000, hehe. Anyway, I'm glad to see you have found us NOW; get ready for fun!

Please read rules n regs in RP HQ; read the story synopsis there as well, it gives you an overview of what's been going on here in those four years (YES EVERYONE, I KNOW, I KNOW.... UPDATE SERIOUSLY NEEDED); it wouldn't hurt you to run through our descriptions forums as well. Btw, you have to make a character description before you can leap into play.

The one thing I like to tell newcomers right off the bat is that here the Sith are NOT the "regular" Sith bad guys ala George Lucas. Here they are a magickal, ancient and noble race of beings who were eradicated by the Dark Jedi (these would be the "Sith" of "normal" SW) 4,000 in the story's past... and have fairly recently been brought back into existence. So the Sith are a race, and "Sith" from the movies are considered to be Dark Jedi... which essentially, they are.

Be sure to read up on the "All;" and don't try to use it. It's a registered character (to me).

I hope you like role playing more along the lines of story and character development and less along the lines of battles/fighting/kill everybody yadda yadda yadda; we like to develop things, which is why our story got to be where it is. It is basically one big on-going story that has just evolved over four years, like real life.

Ok, with that lengthy response I'll shut up now. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them here, or PM me or Mara1Jade, who is moderator over the descriptions forums.

Once again, welcome to the Pod! I hope you have fun with us here!


posted 02-17-2005 04:51 PM    
welcome! Good to have another member!


posted 02-17-2005 07:01 PM    
Woohoo, someone newer than me!

Welcome to the boards!

Have fun, good luck,

and may the Force be with you...


posted 02-17-2005 11:30 PM    
Welcome. I hope that you have a fun time on these boards .