The Holonet Boards   » thePOD Meet and Greet   » PATTERNGHOST


posted 06-15-2003 10:00 PM    
HEY, PG!!!!

Welcome aboard -- AT LAST!!! Glad to see you here... now make a character and join in the RP fun!

Glad you're with us and hope you stay awhile....


posted 06-15-2003 10:05 PM    
Thanks! I'll be joining in soon, when I figure out the last details of what I'm jumping in with.

Keep the waters warm for me!


posted 06-15-2003 10:13 PM    


posted 06-16-2003 12:31 AM    
Hi, and welcome to the POD!

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-16-2003 04:13 AM    
Welcome to the POD! I'm looking forward to meeting you in the RP. Have fun during your tenure here!


posted 06-16-2003 12:42 PM    
Welcome to the pod, and as Graysith jump into the RP anytime.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-16-2003 05:45 PM    
Hmm... I saw PATTERNGHOST reading this thread earlier today. I wonder why he/she didn't reply?!?


posted 06-16-2003 06:16 PM    
I'm sure there were reasons... possibly that time did not exist for a reply as yet.

Calm down, sheesh.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-16-2003 06:30 PM    
Just cause you run the show around here, don't just think you can roll those eyes at me! LOL

I wasn't being impatient... I was just wondering.

[ 06-16-2003 06:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dash Kelderon ]


posted 06-16-2003 06:44 PM    
Probably felt there was no need. I do it all the time.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-16-2003 06:45 PM    
True that Lumbia! True that!

I know I don't always feel a reply is warranted. I guess PG thought this as well!


posted 06-16-2003 06:54 PM    
Or perhaps researching...


posted 06-16-2003 07:45 PM    
And so we get the awnser.


posted 06-16-2003 08:56 PM    
Welcome to the Pod, PatternGhost (I'm late, I know, but it's the thought...)