The Holonet Boards   » Characters   » Sith or Dark Jedi Characters?


posted 06-23-2002 12:33 PM    
Who, on the light side would be a intresting Dark Jedi, betraying against all his commands, or even a Sith, without the Council knowing, as they didn't know about the Emperor at all.

So hmm? Whatcha think?

I would have to say, Mace Windu..


posted 06-23-2002 12:39 PM    
I agree, Mace Windu... because he think's he's all that and a bag of chips, come on why does he need a purple lightsaber, blue or green weren't good enough for him?


posted 06-23-2002 12:42 PM    
Well he is the closet person to Yoda in the force, and he is only 40 in human years. Add it up, it kinda makes sense for him to make himself that good. Yoda picked his color just because it matched his skin, lol!


posted 06-23-2002 06:48 PM    
first off, mace windu is all that and a bag of chips... and the purple lightsaber, that is to show that he isnt like everyone else, if you notice, all the main characters have a special lightsaber... Luke had a blue lightsaber... Darth vader had a red one...(i know all dark jedi have red lightsabers in movies now, but orriginaly it was to set him as a main character, and luke started with green, thats cause he wasnt that great of a character in the beginning.) and then you look at yoda, his lightsaber is green, cause, while he is a main character, he doesnt fight that much... They use lightsaber colors to point attention to the character, you probably noticed, in the big jedi battle, everyones lightsaber was green, cept for a few they used as to not let us catch on to them but ya, thats my reasoning behind the hole lightsaber thing...

and btw, he is not an evil guy...he's way to close to yoda, he would have to be so trained in his mental focus that he could hide his inner thoughts at all times from a jedi master like yoda, and to be that good, he would have to be older then 40, his training would take at least 40 years to get that good...yoda has been training for what 300 years or so? i mean, you cant beat that


posted 06-23-2002 06:55 PM    
Your not paying attetion to the question, Im talking about he would be a good one, not that he is one. He could easily be one, but no one knows until the end of the series of prequels.


posted 06-23-2002 10:57 PM heard the question, and im telling you, its not mace...mace couldnt be the one that is a dark jedi...


posted 06-23-2002 11:18 PM    
But Windu's saber is completely different than any other I've seen... it is so short he can't even use two whole hands when he fights(one hand is hanging off), and it was just a joke...


posted 06-23-2002 11:22 PM    
umm...dont joke about mace windu...he's my favorite jedi... and the handle thing, well, everyone has there own fighting style... dooku's handle was wierd as well... and if you didnt notice, well, man, thats strange :P


posted 06-23-2002 11:30 PM    
Mace is one of my favorite too... I'm glad he made it through episode 2... but I thought he was toast when that droid shot at him from behind, then he whips his saber around, and shoots the beam back at the droid, that was awesome!


posted 06-23-2002 11:32 PM    
mace is bad


posted 06-26-2002 11:48 PM    
Mace probably is the best styled character out of them all. He does his fighting smoothing....he's the greatest


posted 06-27-2002 02:08 AM    
Even though his fight scene lasted for only FIVE MINUTES with ONE PERSON who didn't have a LIGHTSABER.


posted 06-29-2002 08:43 AM    
Who would have died if he had a Lightsaber in the first place. He was supposedl the strongest Bounty Hunter, but was simply destroyed of in a matter of seconds. He destroyed of a bunch of droids, and to come down to it, he is known as the strongest Jedi other then Count Dooku, if you want to consider him a Jedi before he went to the Dark Side, and behind Yoda. I mean compare it, if he is close to Count Dooku in any form, he's gotta be stronger then more then anyone else that wasn't on the Dark Side.

And who else would be a good Dark Jedi....hmm? I guess it would have ot be Yoda!


posted 08-18-2002 02:52 AM    
Another intresting person to see on the bad side of things would be Yoda. Then you'd see something weird. Haha, him with a dark red blade. That'd be something to see


posted 08-18-2002 03:26 PM    
didn't you just say that in the post before?


posted 08-18-2002 05:36 PM    
Well I dont know-but otherwise another good bad guy would have to be that one Twi'lek. I wanna see bad Twi'leks, dont see them much. Fat ones yes, but never bad...


posted 08-22-2002 03:41 PM    
hehehehehehe, how about reelo burock with a lightsaber? *chuckle* for any of those jediknight 2 fans out there, you can just imagin what im talking about *plays multiplayer with bots*