The Holonet Boards   » Useless Junk   » Yuiddle of Ship


posted 06-12-2002 11:44 AM    
Rushing through space, the obunty hunter began rustling his fingers along the screen. Caculating, he began preparing to go to the planet of Yui. They had only seconds before heard that Yavin was being spreaded, and roomed about by blockades, that they would have a deficult situation of moving around, and landing.

Rustling into the gleaming shine of stars, they executed themselves out of the realm of hyperspace. Staring ahead, they had the coodinates highwiring, showing information with a projection from the navigational panel, telling of the past of the planet.

Ahmad drew his lips back slowly, curving them into a slight curn of otpisim.


[ 06-12-2002 11:55 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ahmad ]


posted 06-20-2002 12:48 AM    
A charkling heat boiled as they adventured down upon the atompshere, watching as the civilization of small creatures bumrushed, and tailed out of the formation in which they would be landing. The engines burned out, as the green wrinlked figures took their large eyes into a shocking state, as their strong powered belly touched the surface. Crunlking against the sandy grounds, the timid creatures wondered around the ship, awaiting the evacuation.

Slowly came the ramp flowing from the door, slowly escorting the being known as Ahmad upon the land, placing his finger along his necklace that would translate his words, and theirs so they would responde. He had attainted it long ago under the look of his master.



posted 06-21-2002 12:05 AM    
((OOC: This will be later used, so please, Graysith lock the thread for a later time))