The Holonet Boards   » Beyond Star Wars   » Why the hatred?


posted 02-21-2003 10:38 PM    
Star Wars fans seem to have this one of a kind hatred for the movie Titanic. They also seem to have the same feelings toward Leonardo DiCaprio. I can't seem to understand why someone would hate either one. Could anyone clue me in?


posted 02-21-2003 10:54 PM    
First of all, it's fun to pick on the pretty boy... but, I for one liked Titanic... so you've got me on that one...

[ 02-21-2003 10:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Loban ]


posted 02-21-2003 11:09 PM    
Count me another salmon battling upstream. Personally, I loved Titanic. I thought it was well done (especially when the ship broke in half and went down, yeesh!) I'll admit I went into the movie prepared to sneer at Leonardo, but durn it if I didn't enjoy his portrayal of Jack. (Who for some reason I kept thinking of as a young Jack London, heh... guess the way he carried the character struck me as the outdoorsy type!)

Maybe the fans who "hate" Titanic do so because it did such a fantastic job of computer generated scenes, and fans think that belongs solely to the realm of sci-fi, and in the realms of sci-fi there is nothing else but Star Wars....

(OK, so there's Star Trek and Farscape and Stargate and 2001 and all the golden oldies and yes, there's Lexx, hey I liked Lexx....)


posted 02-21-2003 11:31 PM    

Star Trek's right up there with Star Wars...

Dash Kelderon

posted 04-06-2003 04:57 AM    
I didn't hate TITANIC either. I didn't like it all that much, but it wasn't a terrible movie. I could watch it a few more times before I got sick of it.

I think the main reason why STAR WARS fans hate TITANIC is because it made more money than A NEW HOPE did. This is a sore spot with me as well. You have to take into consideration the price of a movie pass in 1977. What was it like $1.50??? ticket prices were like $8.00 a pop when TITANIC came out. So I feel that TITANIC lovers are trying to rub it in that thier movie made more money! But a good portion of STAR WARS fans fail to realize the little factors, like POPULATION, INFLATION, and the fact that almost half of the people who actually saw TITANIC only did so because thier GIRLFRIENDS or WIVES dragged them there!!!

I think I have made my point!


posted 04-24-2003 07:00 PM    
Yes, yes you did. I agree somewhat--yes I did say 'somewhat'.


posted 04-24-2003 07:39 PM    
I don't mind Leo, in fact I think he is a very cable actor. Anyone can see that by watching Basketball Diaries...

However, I did not like Titanic, because well, I just didn't enjoy it. I thought it was overhyped for what it was.

Although Kate Winslett's breasts in a PG-13 movie, that is marketing genius!

Dash Kelderon

posted 04-24-2003 07:48 PM    
Always with the BREASTS hunh BOB.... I agree they were pretty nice. But one pair of BOOBIES does not make a movie!

Well, they could, but I think that kindof movie lacks in intelligable dialogue!!! "OOO AHHH AHHH OH GOD!!" LOL

I think you can take my meaning...


posted 04-24-2003 10:21 PM    
Funny, classic funny....not extremely funny to make me laugh, but it was classic.

Dash Kelderon

posted 04-27-2003 05:24 AM    
Thanks LUMBIA... I try.


posted 04-27-2003 10:17 AM    
One: I don't think you can really make a correlation between people who love "Star Wars" also hating "Titanic." Where is the proof? Just a few comments here, or the fact that you know somebody who says this?


I think it may have to do with the genre of the movie. It was a drama vs space opera, which are themes worlds apart. Also, "Titanic" was based on a true story with a known outcome; there was no "surprise" about it. All it had to separate it from "Star Wars" was the acting skills of the players (WAY BETTER), the cutting and editing, the special effects (on par with that of "Star Wars," I think), and so on.

Also, in being based on a true story, there wasn't that "epic" of a plot, as there is in "Star Wars." The latter was planned as being a nine-movie presentation (originally); "Titanic" merely covers one incident about which there was absolutely nothing extraordinary -- until the ship hit the iceberg and history was made. In all fairness, you just cannot truly compare the two on the same scale.

Personally, I thought it was a terrific movie, which portrayed the end of the Titanic in a realistic and gripping manner.

[ 04-27-2003 10:21 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 04-27-2003 10:31 AM    
I didnt "hate" titanic, actauly it was a cool movie, it was just WAAAAAAYYYY to long for me to EVER watch again, and because of that i cant remember much, so i wont get into this discussion past this point...


posted 04-27-2003 12:46 PM    
I really don't care about the Titanic that much to even give a response to how I feel about it. I'm neutral on this desicion now that I think about it. Titanic wasn't great, I've seen alot better actors on a cast as well as better acting. It was a story that I had already known and the time I watched it was when I was young, which is pretty boring if you ask me.

When it comes down to it, Scarface is better!



posted 04-30-2003 11:56 PM    
Originally posted by LumbiaSith:

When it comes down to it, Scarface is better!



posted 01-05-2005 07:42 PM    
I'm sorry, but I dispise the titanic. It's just too bloody corny, and that one song is overrated. That, "wherever you are" song.

However, Lionardo Dicaprio is brilliant! "Catch me if you Can" and "Romeo and Juliet: Leonardo Dicaprio Version" are both very very well done! They're on my top 10 movies list.

Blade of Chaos

posted 01-05-2005 10:04 PM    
I, persoanlly, have actually never SEEN Titanic. (Should I be ashamed of this?)

But my family gives it mixed mom loved it, my dad thought it was "pretty good." My aunts loved it, my uncles either hated it or thought it was ok. My girl cousins loved it, my guy cousins all agreed its cheezy. I'm sensing a pattern it just my family, or have other people seen this too?

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 01-09-2005 04:48 PM    
Well I liked it but i saw it with the wrong person so I almost never watch it anymore (BBBAAAADDDD memories) but he also really liked it but then we see what he turned out to be... (ahem just like that stupid fiance for those of you that have seen it).


posted 01-11-2005 02:10 PM    
Sorry, but I think you're right. I find (this is an average from my experience) that women seem to enjoy it more (by popular opinion). Most of us guys seem to dispise it as being corny and almost utterly pointless, but we all see it with our own views.


posted 02-16-2005 08:14 PM    
I'm a guy, and I found Titanic as a bloody good film, I don't mind Leo at all, and has anybody seen aviator? Best Movie this Year

(Until Revenge of the Sith in May!! of course)

The Aviator had Supreme acting, and an impressive storyline that more or less happened completely in history.

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-01-2005 05:25 PM    
My favorite scene in Titanic is when the ship breaks in half and you see all those poor people get swatted like flies. As far as Leo goes. I think he's had some good movies and some not so good, but you can probably say that about any actor/actress. My other sci-fi favorites are all the aliens, predator and terminator movies as well as all the star trek movies. For tv I like Farscape and Stargate. To bad they can't make a tv show relating to star wars like they did with star trek.