The Holonet Boards   » Tales of Middle Earth   » WELCOME TO MIDDLE EARTH!!


posted 12-28-2002 12:25 PM    
Welcome everyone to Middle Earth! We hope you enjoy your stay here. Until we see how this takes off, just put everything in here: your descriptions and so on can be topics.

Just to make things fun, let's put the timeline at JUST AFTER Golum killed his family and took The One Ring into hiding. It is with him UNDETECTED AND UNDECTABLE in his cave in Middle Earth somewhere. This is a time before Bilbo Baggins and Frodo and Aragorn and all the rest. It is when the elves hold three rings, the dwarves seven and the men hold none of the rings of power, but since the unifying One Ring of Power is lost, no one has dominion over all. Demons and wizards and what the heck, ringwraiths too abound in this world... everyone seeking The One Ring to be made King over all the domains: Middle Earth, the world of Man, and the realm of the demonic.

Oh yeah, and even though we know it isn't in Tolkien's stories, this is role play and artistic license abounds. So for fun I have created Wydde's Wood, located at the southern tip of The Forests of Rhovanion, which is the home of the Daughter of the Moon.

Maybe something happened to this area, and they got lost in history and no longer exist in the time of the Fellowship of the Ring. Who knows, history can be murky. Heh.

Just remember: this is pure role play and therefore will undoubtedly stray heavily from the "true" Middle Earth described in Tolkien's books. Here we create our own characters and move them in as realistically a manner as possible through that universe, but do not constrain ourselves necessarily to strict repetition of it. Thus we have demons and Wydde's Wood and a Daughter of the Moon.


[ 12-29-2002 01:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 12-30-2002 05:23 PM    
I have a suggestion. Would everyone, in their descriptions place the pronunciation of their names. We thank you.

Please don't piss me off.


posted 01-14-2003 05:14 PM    
Ok, there are those of you out there who waited for this. Here ya go:

It would appear we have some hardcore, diehard Tolkien fans aboard. Thus, a new thread will be put into effect, one which adheres strictly to the Middle Earth as designed by Tolkien. I shall post the name of that thread when it is put up. Please follow the general format of the Wydde's Wood thread: stick to the one, and continue in a new thread when the other gets too long, rather than compose a bajillion different threads.

This does not necessarily eliminate the Wydde's Wood storyline. That one can continue on as the writers involved in it see fit.

This way, it is hoped that all fantasy writers are happy.

Thank you.