The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » "EXPECTING THE UNEXPECTED"


posted 09-17-2005 04:10 PM    
Due to recent events, the thread Expecting the Unexpected in the "CWSU" forums is temporarily closed. Members remaining in this thread who wish to continue on in the spirit of true role playing please PM me.

Any further OOC's in the thread where one character suggests the actions other characters should take will not be tolerated. That is collaboration, not role play.

From now on, the only OOC's in any threads which are NOT posted by the administration should ONLY be of the type informing the reader what thread a character is coming in from, or what thread he is going to.

All other OOC-type comments should be posted in the RP HQ forums, for that is one of the reasons this forum was created.

Thank you.


posted 09-19-2005 03:16 PM    
Just a reminder...

While you may move a character (in general, nothing overly out of character) you may not reply for him or initiate any conversation between him/her and your character or anyone else's.

In other words, no one in the "Expecting" thread should be answering for Major Konig.


posted 09-21-2005 01:56 PM    
Another reminder, people:

Remember, this is a ROLE PLAY site, NOT a collaborative storytelling one. I am seeing patterns here which lead me to believe there is indeed collaboration in progress; please stop and play honestly or all those involved will be summarily dismissed and the thread they are in will be closed.

You know who you are.

Thank you.


posted 09-21-2005 02:05 PM    
well, lol since the title of this thread is "Expecting the unexpected" im going to guess you think its one of us in that particular thread... we should just clairify this right here, right now. i can promise between Sarisa, Sellith, Kitiana (who is almost never on) and i, that there is no collaboration on my part. but we were all wondering what would happen to the major, and his ships, (sincehe was so abruptly ended) but that topic has yet to come up in the "Expecting" thread. just talking GS... no Collaborations. heh, feel free to speak (and i know you will) your mind on what you think has been collaborated on. any discrepencies and im more than willing to talk/ get this over with.


posted 09-21-2005 02:18 PM    
Theres no collaboration on my part either, and since im 6000 klicks from the action (im not sure how far a klick is but 6000 of anything is alot.) that is the last thing im worried about, my ship is slow and small...i could do with a little hyperdrive about now.


posted 09-21-2005 02:47 PM    
We shall see...

And Sellith, too bad about the predicament you have gotten into. You could be "with" the group now had you entered into the role play during the myriad opportunities you had to do so.

But that, apparently, was your choice in all this: to NOT answer, and see where it leads you.

Let the game continue.

[ 09-21-2005 02:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 09-21-2005 02:59 PM    
I was going to enter but then my 'social life' picked up and i can't remember if you told me if my character was still defunct and I didn't want to make you mad by posting with a defunct character so i posted a couple of times to wait and see if you said anything but I waited too long and now im far away. Just out of curiousity how long would it take for a small one man vessel without a hyper drive to travel back?


posted 09-21-2005 09:30 PM    
Ummm... when did I tell you that your character is defunct? I posted in descriptions that Major Konig was defunct.

I think you got confused somehow.


posted 09-22-2005 03:43 PM    
Remember, because I used a Darth Name and a Real Name for my character you thought the Real Name was a different character and was not being used and since you did not want any new powerful characters you made all the unused powerful characters defunct and told me to write the description again under the name Sellith. I'm sure its still there on my description.


posted 09-22-2005 03:58 PM    
Errr...your character was already in use at the time. All you were asked to do was rewrite the same description under Sellith instead of under whatever else.


posted 09-22-2005 05:49 PM    
Thanks for the clarification, Mara.

Yeah, all you had to do was rewrite the character under the same userid that you post him under.

ie: don't go writing for Soman Socar under the userid of Sellith. That is confusing.

And yes, since your character was already in play, you can still continue with him. I was refering to any new characters: no more power users. We have enough of those at the moment.

You should have contacted me way earlier about the confusion; I know you've been here quite a lot. Had you done so, your character wouldn't be "stuck" where he is.