The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » absence...


posted 07-19-2005 12:13 PM    
Well, unfortunately I will be gone for two weeks starting tomorrow afternoon. =( I wish I could still have internet, but it's beyond my control, which really sucks.
Happy roleplaying!!

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-19-2005 05:56 PM    
Well, take care and hurry back. We won't forget you.


posted 07-19-2005 07:28 PM    
Yeah, Xenn will probably be a bit annoyed since he was just about to start training you, anyway take care, Ya'll come back now.


posted 07-19-2005 10:56 PM    
AAAAAAH, damn well thanks for the heads up.


posted 07-20-2005 05:13 AM    
I'm sorry, I know how you feel, I didn't find out until a few minutes before I posted this thread. Well...that's the army for ya, last minute crap =/

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-20-2005 05:19 PM    
Don't worry Kitiana we won't let anything bad happen to ya. Take care out there.


posted 07-27-2005 01:37 PM    
I'm back, and I am definately glad it wasn't a full two weeks!! ^.^


posted 07-27-2005 08:37 PM    
Welcome Back!, Nothing big has happened apart in your RP thread apart from a new character in it which you already know about because you have posted there, Xenn will probably be glad to see you back so he can continue with the training.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-28-2005 05:13 PM    
Welcome back Kitiana. Sorry Xenn and Sellith for my absence. Had an unexpected work schedule change. I'm still here though.