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Blade of Chaos

posted 06-03-2005 10:32 AM    
(This is Ryk Speaking for Blade)

The Blade of Chaos has suffered a bit of undisclosed family trouble, and hence may be away for an unknown amount of time. I appologise for him.

As for why I'm on his account, he was visiting my home and was attempting to post when unfortunantly the call came. So at this point I'll loggout and just hope it was a minor trouble and hope he can return soon.



posted 06-03-2005 11:22 AM    
Thats not good, I hope everything turns out ok.


posted 06-03-2005 11:37 AM    
Indeed, I know I speak for us all when I say I hope that the "undisclosed problem" proves to not be as serious as Ryk's words would tend to lead us to believe, and that Blade will soon be back with us again.