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posted 05-07-2005 04:36 AM    
Ok, I know everyone is getting all revved up about the final episode in the first SW Trilogy coming out (AT LAST--YAY!!)...

Puh-leeze, people, let's try to be creative here. We have WAY TOO MANY people wanting their characters to be all big n' bad and fighters and killers and dark dudes and all that.

It would be really better if peeps would generate some characters who could really be incorporated into the storyline: such as maybe some employees for Eagle Enterprises, or maybe someone on board one of General Tarnus's blockading ships, something like that.

I know everyone wants to be a jedi or someone with power, but fighting and destroying and rampaging and so on isn't what is the most conducive to role play. You can't kill other characters without permission of the author, so it's pretty senseless to make a fighter/killer.

Remember, the best long-term role play comes from plot and character development: roaring into play, lightsaber/sword/whatever blasting away doesn't really develop a character but in reality only limits him.

Thank you.