The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Wonderful midterms


posted 02-16-2005 07:20 AM    
Ahhhh yes, it is that time of the semester, and IT'S TAKING TOO MUCH TIME! I've been somewhat AWOL, and I apologize. But, one midterm is now down, one is left to go, and at least two major assignments are either done or well on their way to being so. Soooo, aside from the fact I should be out of town this weekend, I should be around more again starting next week...

...and I have Monday off for President's day. Other than that, I'll try to get back with it earlier if I can.


posted 02-16-2005 07:34 PM    
Midterms... now? What time did your first semester start? I had my midterms on the 5th of january! Ohwell, best of luck!


posted 02-16-2005 09:21 PM    
Mara has already graduated from high school.