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posted 01-08-2005 12:20 AM    
Until further notice, I am going to be unable to post for my character Sa'kal'ishaalas. My mom has gotten mad at me and taken my internet connection away, and says I will not be getting it back in a while. Until I do get it back, I am giving Rykounagin permission to post for Sa'kal. I hope to be pop in every once in awhile. Thank you...


posted 02-06-2005 01:50 AM    
Yay, I'm finally back. I got my internet back, so you don't need to post for me anymore Rykounagin...even though you only posted once.

Also, is it me, or have things REALLY seemed to have slowed down here. Almost nothing has happened since I left...


posted 02-06-2005 07:50 PM    


posted 02-06-2005 09:23 PM    
Yes, welcome back man. You know, you really should tell me if you want me to post MORE! But anyway, I hope Sorben and Aelvedaar and everyone else and your thread can get moving, so you can all have a romping good time!