The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Where is Everyone?


posted 12-07-2004 09:21 PM    
Nothing is happening on the boards right now...I can't have Gava move forward until whoever plays Aelvedaar decides to show back up and post. Nothing has happened, except for the return of Terrin Danner...not that it matters much...jk. And has anyone else realized that Aeylmaar got left in the dust, along with Dash (sorry about that by the way)?

Freedon Naad

posted 12-08-2004 05:13 AM    
Relax, it's not unusual to have short periods of downtime. I'm sure posting will pick up once people have more time. As to the first thing, Aelvedaar, Aelymaar, Sorben Tarnus, Graysith, and probably a few others, are all played by Graysith.


posted 12-08-2004 07:10 AM    
I think alot of us are trying to beat the holiday rush and get everything set for Christmas day.


posted 12-08-2004 05:03 PM    
And being sick.

But yeah, major holiday rush stuff. Expect much happenings in the world of the Sith when things settle down in real life.


posted 12-08-2004 05:56 PM    
Sa'kal, I'm almost as impatient as you, but be thankful and gleeful, for it tis the holiday season! Spend some time with your family (reguardless of how much you dispise your siblings)


posted 12-08-2004 07:17 PM    
I may be forced to spend way to much time with my family anyway, but I will enjoy the time I have with my families (we're going to have over 20 people over for Christmas). My parents won't let me fundraise so I can go to Europe. I have to go to Hawaii once again...not that that is too bad either...

And much will be happening once everyone decides to come back...

[ 12-08-2004 07:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]


posted 12-09-2004 12:14 AM    
I know this isn't the right topic, but I was wondering if anyone has a website that I can go to so I can see what a tuk'ata looks like. I tried to find one and couldn't. Thanks a bunch...


posted 12-09-2004 07:23 AM    
Hmmmm, I don't know if you'll find a website with a tuk'ata on it, that may be a creation of someone who has roleplayed here. Check out the character description for Mwon'Bo'o, he's a tuk'ata. But the long and the short of it...and the long of it is most that they are massive beasts with 10 foot claws and fangs. They have pupil-less eyes, and are semi-sentient. And did I mention they have really big claws and fangs? Oh yeah, they have really big claws and fangs...and the weight of just one pouncing on a person would literally kill me, Terrin has had far too personal an experience with that. But yeah, check out M'won'bo'o's description, I think his is the most detailed. Hmmm, I wonder where A'liya is...

...and btw, Gray made a "Roleplay questions" thread recently. This question would have fit well there.

[ 12-09-2004 07:24 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]

Blade of Chaos

posted 12-10-2004 09:04 PM    
Yeah, its been pretty quiet round here. But like Ryk said, tis the holidays! Most of us are busy with other things, family and merrymaking and the like!

I do look forward to the predicted "much happenings" soon enough. Should be fun...

Oh, and (sorry if this is off-topic) Sa'kal, I found a picture of a tuk'ata, or something like it. Here: herunnerte/tukata.html

There ya go. Merry Christmas.


posted 12-11-2004 02:27 AM    
Thanks a bunch, except for the fact that it isn't working. Oh well...

Dashawn E'bnnwing

posted 12-12-2004 07:31 PM    
I come around to post for my character whenever I have the time.