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posted 10-21-2004 09:55 PM    
Does anyone see the likeness between hellboy and the sith, especially cult master raelgosh?

[ 10-21-2004 09:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]


posted 10-21-2004 11:01 PM    
Except the Sith have all kinds of horns and fangs to go with the claws -- by "all kinds" I mean, you picture a kind of horn (multiple ones, too) and somewhere there is a Sith like that.

But yeah, the red skin does make 'em comparable to Hellboy... or just devils in general, hehe.

Remember, their eyes are brilliant in color, too, and just about ANY color other than what we'd think of as "normal." So there is red, amber, brilliant yellow, emerald green, bright violet, turquoise, royal blue... you name it. Just anything other than "normal" brown or "regular" blue or green or hazel.

That makes them a little different from Hellboy.

Oh yeah... they LIKE their horns, and don't saw 'em off!


posted 10-21-2004 11:30 PM    
Yeah, I mostly saw the resembalance when an ad popped up for the three dvd set and they made Hellboys eyes yellow, and I though, "That looks like a sith!"

And I'm pretty sure that the sith don't have a huge gun or stone fist.

[ 10-21-2004 11:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]

Cult Master Raelgosh

posted 10-22-2004 02:17 AM    
Heh, I always thought of the main body of sith to be a wingless form of Diablo (like the game version). Then slightly different, pending.


posted 10-22-2004 02:18 AM    
Heh, you're right... but they do have huge swords, and SOME have stone hearts....

Cult Master Raelgosh

posted 10-22-2004 03:15 AM    
yeah, raelgosh has the sword thing down.