The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Absence...


posted 05-28-2004 03:01 PM    
I just wanted to let RPers know that I won't be on the Pod much until either late Monday or early Tuesday. I am going out of town for Memorial Day weekend. I will have a laptop and occasional internet access, but I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to get here much or not.

See you later, and everyone have a safe holiday!


Agent Korsair

posted 05-31-2004 12:20 AM    
You're not the only one absent, almost everyone's been gone over the weekend, after all, it is a holiday!


posted 06-04-2004 03:51 AM    
If I happen to be scarce this weekend, it is because my computer is being rebuilt. I don't think it should take too long, but I'm not sure, so hang tight. I'll be with you all ASAP.


posted 06-07-2004 02:56 AM    
Well, rah. My computer is pretty much built, but now my hard drive is dying so it will have to be replaced. I will be without my computer for another couple of days, so I'll only be on when I can manage to get on my dad's PC. I'll do what I can in regards to posting and so on, though it doesn't look as though I've been missed or anyone else much has been around lately.


posted 06-08-2004 02:46 AM    
If all goes well I should be up and running by tomorrow night I think, so long as all goes well. Sorry for not being able to post much lately, but I'll be back in the swing soon.


posted 06-08-2004 05:24 AM    
YAY I hope people get going again! The game is stagnating!!!


posted 06-11-2004 05:04 AM    
I'm baaaa-aaaaack

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-11-2004 12:28 PM    
Yay! Most of my computer stuff has been reinstalled and files transferred now, so I'll be in action this weekend (aside from a family pool party on Saturday, rah). Sorry this has all taken so very long, I sure would have thought it wouldn't have.

And glad you're back, PG. May the games now continue...

And oops, I forgot to change IDs...

[ 06-11-2004 12:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-11-2004 09:40 PM    
You know, you can switch id's while typing. If you forget to change while doing so, you just loggout, loggin correctly, and hit the back button until you get there. At least it works for me, but as a senior, you probably already know...

[ 06-12-2004 10:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rykounagin ]


posted 07-09-2004 01:21 PM    
Well, not that I've been able to post much lately anyway, but I will be taking the family on a trip for the next two weeks and will probably have little to no access to the pod. I'll try, though, because I'll be needing to access the internet for email every so often (so I can get paid when I come back).

Dashawn E'bnnwing

posted 07-09-2004 11:00 PM    
Who are you? lolz


posted 07-10-2004 07:27 AM    
Phalomir is a Dark Lord of the Sith... he's a Dark Lord of Armorers... and maybe Warriors, but don't tell Roan, and then again I think there's some Sorcerer clan lordship mixed up in there someplace, hehe. Read in the Sith forums; he's been here about a year now!

And speaking of vacations, this must be the hot time to go places. I'm going to be gone for awhile too, and I MIGHT be able to get to a computer here and there. If so, I'll be sure to post.

So people, don't get impatient, please! Phal, enjoy your trip, wherever you go! Dashawn, in our absence you can read up and discover for yourself exactly who Phalomir is, hehe....

Dashawn E'bnnwing

posted 07-10-2004 10:02 PM    
Hmm, guess I'll take a leave too.


posted 07-11-2004 02:47 AM    
But, but, patience, and lack of continuous posting!!!!

I can't take this!

I need to sit down.....


posted 07-12-2004 11:44 AM    
Well, it's kinda hard for anyone to post continually even without summer vacation with school and all. And I know, I owe some posts. I will be getting to those tonight, probably...this weekend was just too busy.

Anyway, hope you all have great vacations and that you returned refreshed and ready to go if not occasionally while you are away!


posted 07-13-2004 05:15 AM    
Wow, Mara, I'm surprised to hear you say that! You, of all people, who was always the one constant poster no matter the circumstances!!

And Dashawn, unless you are posting against Phalomir's characters or mine, no reason you can't keep up. There are still others here who want to keep going!


posted 07-14-2004 01:30 AM    
Well, I try to be fairly constant. Still, things come up from time to time.


posted 07-16-2004 12:50 AM    
True. Well, sadly, I'm going on vacation until the 17th of August. However, I should be able to get on frequently enough.


posted 07-16-2004 11:02 AM    
Man, the nerve of everyone going on vacation! I need a vacation too! Could one of you take me with you, puuuuuulease???


posted 07-16-2004 05:03 PM    
Only if you want to go to my boring aunts wedding and don't mind driving across nevada and utah deserts for two days. I'd personally rather not go, because it means I'll barely get a chance to read and post. But I'll try as much as possible. (which means I'd go as far as to "comandeer" a friend or relatives computer).


posted 07-27-2004 08:10 PM    
Hey, NOTHING "boring" about deserts. I LOVE deserts. I just got back from touring around Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico on a speeeeedy camping trip centered around the Grand Canyon. It was awesome, and the temperatures were GREAT. It's been cold and rainy in Iowa all summer, blecch.

I even liked it in spite of the monsoon at the Grand Canyon, the blast oven in southern AZ, and the dust storm in New Mexico!

It was great... but I'm glad to be back at the Pod now.


posted 08-02-2004 07:33 PM    
Wierd, when I went6 through nevada and utah it rained the whole time, but i'm in california now!


posted 08-11-2004 08:20 PM    
Hey Loban, I saw your userid... are you back with us??? Hope so....


posted 08-12-2004 05:39 AM    
sneaky.. sneaky..

I didn't like my post, I have a new one in Character Descriptions however.


posted 08-12-2004 12:27 PM    
Hey, the new one sounds good to me. Why don't you post it in "All the King's Horses" in the Empire and New Republic forum so I can have a character or two of mine reply? After all, I'm getting the itch to post...

...too bad I have to go to work and then have a class from 6:30 to 8:30. I'll try to post tonight, however. A Shawn post is long overdo anyway...and if you post I can reply with the crew at the very least, probably Shawn too.

Anyway, to make this long reply short, post it! And by the way, welcome back.

And PS, I guess since you've managed to put up a post Gray the Pod must be working better for you now. Or at least, I sure hope so...

[ 08-12-2004 12:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 08-12-2004 05:55 PM    
I sure would appreciate it if you could change the description under my avatar to read 'Fallen Learner' Gray..


posted 08-13-2004 08:33 PM    
Ok, if I am AWOL this weekend, we have a hurricane warning in effect and my county is on the list. Don't know what will happen, but please keep us all in your thoughts and prayers.


posted 08-15-2004 09:23 AM    
Mara... you're in my thoughts, believe me. I saw what Charley did to Ft. Meyers... and then double-punched by crossing the state and coming back inland again.

I'm pretty sure you got hit with a storm, but I am really hoping that the major fury of the hurricane didn't hit Jacksonville. I can't tell from the news, however, as everything is focused on Ft. Meyers and vicinity, basically ground zero for this nasty canasta of a hurricane.

Keep on the lookout for Earl, though. I guess he's gonna be knocking on your door in a couple days!

And Loban, I'll get to the sig asap.



posted 08-15-2004 08:56 PM    
You mean the 'regs' are reading normal????
thank you Scotty.. GO SULU!!


posted 08-15-2004 09:00 PM    
that post was more a test than really attempting to make sense, besides we all know Scotty ruins the Transwarp drive aboard the Excelsior.. Sulu's ship, 3 movies later ahh Sulu, so quotable was he.. target that explosion, and fire.

haha, put that in your pipe and smoke it General Chang!


posted 08-15-2004 09:02 PM    
No cable and sparadic dial up interent makes me very bored.


posted 08-16-2004 01:57 AM    
Yeah, Gray, we got a storm but Charley totally missed us and the storm wasn't even all that bad. I'll have to keep my eye out for Earl though; the last time Jax was hit by a hurricane was in the 80's and everyone is saying we are long overdue and this will be a rough season.

[ 08-16-2004 02:59 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 08-16-2004 03:12 AM    
Did she just all together ignore my 3 posts? I think she did


posted 08-17-2004 03:15 AM    
Who me? You never know WHAT I might do this late at night after being with 4-year olds all day.

Anyway, a couple of long overdue posts are up for Taylor Garrison and for the Crew. I still owe a Shawn post and probably some others, but at least it's a start...


posted 08-17-2004 06:00 AM    
it's a start..

[ 08-17-2004 06:12 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Loban ]


posted 08-18-2004 01:34 AM    

[ 08-18-2004 01:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rykounagin ]