The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Role Players Take Note


posted 05-26-2004 11:59 PM    
There have been several illogical posts made lately in the Sith/Jedi forums, and apparently my PMs and OOC's are being overlooked.

Sorry, but certain players will not be able to post until they read the story synopsis and descriptions of the other players so they know exactly what has already been developed on these boards over four years of ongoing role play.

I apologize for this drastic action, but we do have rules here which I must enforce, and it is stated that newcomers read the story synopsis and character/item/other descriptions before leaping into play willy nilly.

Or else, at least ask questions in advance.


posted 05-27-2004 12:34 AM    
Yeah, good post. I have to say that it is true they were not listening, they didn't even listen to me, but not listening to the admin....