The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » ANNOUNCEMENT


posted 03-07-2004 11:34 PM    
Alas, my hard drive went kerblooey on my computer. I do have access to another, just not at home, so my Pod time and IM time will be limited until my new computer arrives.

This is just so you all don't think I'm ignoring you or the role play or anything; I'll post as much as I can when I can.

Sorry about all this, folks!


posted 03-10-2004 04:11 PM    
OK, just so everyone knows, I plan on writing a bit tonight. My lab should be short enough that I will have time afterward to use a friend's computer.

MY NEW COMPUTER IS ORDERED, AND SHOULD GET TO ME WITHIN TWO WEEKS!!! YAY!!! So hopefully things will be back on schedule -- at least on my end! -- after that.

Sorry about all this, guys; oh and Dash? You won't stay trapped where you are for long...

Dash Kelderon

posted 03-10-2004 05:50 PM    
I was hoping for a little help from the "Ancient Sith". I figured that it was best that I be solo for a while, at least until events start running in the same time frame again.

I think I'm about 7 or 8 months out of the loop!

Can't wait till you new comp arrives!