The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » a formal notice


posted 01-16-2004 11:49 PM    
Just a formal note, that im not sure how often ill be around. if anyone happens to be at the temple, and has an unresistable urge to speak with Recinis or Jharu, go ahead. I will reply to anything i see, but i cant promise a snappy one right now.

hmmm, sorry for always jumping back in and out, i must have broken the record for most quits and returns

Anyway, yes indeedy, this is where i stand.


posted 01-17-2004 12:13 AM    
Hey, no worries. I hope you'll at least check in every so often to see if someone does ask your guys something, hehe. I know life gets hectic and all that.

Thank you for the notice, and I just want to hint here that times are coming where Entaris could sure be used.

Don't leave us forever, please!


posted 01-22-2004 08:30 PM    
Heh, Ill try to be around to get entaris into action when he's needed. I shouldnt have a problem writing for one character, specialy not one like entaris.

Anyway, not sure, we'll so