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posted 11-13-2003 09:04 PM    
Hey, just to let you all know, jharu has left the building, he's not in our time, so please dont talk to him... unless your character has also been flung accross the boundries of space and time... *grin*

Anyway, just an explanation, not ready to tell what happened to him yet, cause im still working it out in my head. But as soon as i do you will all understand, i promise.


posted 11-13-2003 11:42 PM    
FYI, to clarify:

Jharu has been transported through a Portal in the All to another place and time. He is not necessarily beyond any limits, or in any weird metaphysical plane of existence.

He has merely, as so eloquently stated above, "left the building...."

I'd use a smiley, but why bother when "evil grin" says it all....