The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » My Sudden Absence


posted 09-26-2003 12:11 AM    
Huge apologies for everyone. As some of you might know, the East Coast was just hit by Hurricane Isabel, and I just happen to be in its unfortunate path. The result: no power in my house for a WHOLE WEEK. In fact, it just came on right now, late at night, so I figured I post this before I went to sleep.

I wanted to send a warning too but the damn storm cut off my cable modem before I could do that. So I had no choice but to sit tight...

Well I'm back now...let's see if I can catch up...


posted 09-26-2003 01:06 AM    
Hey, SO GLAD to hear Izzy didn't wash you out to sea or anything. That was one HUMONGOUS storm!!!

I'm sorry you were without power for so long; I can relate, but on a lesser scale: 18 hours without power after an ice storm here, which doesn't come close to a hurricane, but that was a LOOOONG 18 hours! I can't imagine going an entire week without power -- LET ALONE WITHOUT THE INTERNET!!!

Anyway, welcome back, glad you're safe and sound and all that, have fun catching up, we've been refering to Romanus as we view his character as being; hopefully we're viewing him in the right aspect. (We've just moved him around; didn't make him respond or anything....)

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 09-29-2003 09:18 AM    
Hey don't worry about it man. I've been gone a while too and just finally got back to here today.