The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Absence

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-13-2003 08:52 PM    
I appologize for my absence this last week. I am in the middle of a move and My internet is not gonna be hooked up until like Friday. So I can only use it at work.

Iwill make a post tonight, as I am obvoiusly on line. But until Friday, I give permission to MARA to speak for my character in her posts.

Sorry for holding things up!



posted 07-13-2003 09:43 PM    
That's ok, we can wait out the week for you. I'd rather do that than answer for your character without a good feel for him.

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-15-2003 01:58 PM    
That was the fastest damn parcel delivery I've ever seen!

I'm back in action, and will be posting tonight!


posted 07-15-2003 06:16 PM    