The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Sorry......please give me another chance

O-B-1 Kenobi

posted 07-08-2003 12:40 AM    
Ok Ok, I'll come clean. SORRY EVERYBODY. I'm really sorry I tried to fool you guys. Please don't ban me.

Stella is my character. She is my third character. Also partially meant as a joke on Xam. Sorry Xam that you thought Stella was a hot girl at school. You were always hoping that more Singaporeans would join the POD that I could not help pulling this joke.

The reason being is that I did not want people here to think of stella as O-B-1's character. I wanted them to think of Stella as Stella, not O-B-1.

I'will not do this again. Please don't ban me from this site. Please admins and mods, give me another chance.....


posted 07-08-2003 12:56 AM    
Nice apology... considering the PM was sent to Xam.

Want to finish in the "come clean" department?

You may, of course, do so in another thread.


posted 07-08-2003 01:17 AM    
All right, things are cool.

Have fun posting guys... I'm not opening up the Tatooine thread since Lumbia began a new one.

O-B-1, you don't have to get rid of any characters.

Keep it straight, guys!

O-B-1 Kenobi

posted 07-08-2003 01:23 AM    
Ok thanks guys. You can stop sending me threat mail now Xam.