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posted 06-30-2003 09:08 PM    
Ok, sense ive come back, ive been reminded abotu 300000 that things wont be the same...

I realize this, and if you havnt noticed, ive been roleplaying that way as well... It gets kind of tiring though when you have 2 people yelling at you that you missed something.

Ive been told that graysith has changed, and recinis cant be expect things to be the same. But yet im being yelled at cause im roleplaying about those changes.

If recinis dies, then he dies, if he lives, then he lives. I havnt decided anything, and im going to figure somethign out.

However, in the end its going to happen the way it happens... Now if you'd rather it not happen, go ahead and change everything, i could care less. Recinis has served his purpose as it is, and im not sure where he's going, i have no idea what to do with him, and i have not even the slightest concept of how he's going to adapt... His purpose was to protect graysith, thats done and gone...

Anyway, this is just a note to stop yelling at me for not picking stuff up... Thank you for your time.

---entaris, TDP