The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » sorry for not being here much.

Jaina Solo

posted 06-26-2003 08:52 PM    
Sorry i haven't been the last week, i've been busy lately and i will be gone starting Monday through July 11 or so. My aunt's internet isn't working so i don't know if i'll get on then, but i'll try.


posted 06-26-2003 09:26 PM    
Funny, I see you online alot...

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-27-2003 03:23 AM    
Well, try your best Kev. You want me to post for you or what???

Jaina Solo

posted 07-05-2003 04:57 PM    
Well i'm finally back, for some reason the pod wasn't working for me when i tried to get on, but it works for now. although I don't know for how long it will stay. hopefully that won't happen again.


posted 07-05-2003 05:15 PM    
Hopefully you won't have any further problems getting here... sometimes there are server routing problems which prevents one from getting here. I know this has happened in the past.

At any rate, I hope your internet difficulties are history now, and you'll be able to stay with us. But if you disappear until July 11, we'll understand, so don't worry.

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-05-2003 07:43 PM    
I hope you don't mind... But I half wrote Jebbua as out of commision for a while. You are just resting peacefully, cause that blow to the head Jasyn gave you knocked you silly.

But spring back into action ASAP!