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posted 06-19-2003 10:04 AM    
Please note: The Ancient Sith have been "registered" for the sole purpose of writing for Sith in general (to move the story along more easily). As such this particular "character" does not fall under the role playing "death rule." Ie: it is not intended that just because "The Ancient Sith" are now registered, that Sith NPCs cannot be killed.

This is the same for the other "general" registered members which follow: The Empire, Yuzhaan Vong Warrior, and Blackline Wing. Individual "personae" within each group may be killed in battle or through accident or whatever, but NOT the registered "member" itself. While a non-specified Sith or Imperial trooper or such may be killed, "The Ancient Sith" as a whole may not be, for example.

Again these were created to use to move the storyline along in certain instances, thank you.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-23-2003 04:43 AM    
That's good to know. Cause If we are held on K'eel Doba against our will, then there are gonaa be lot's of dead Sith!!!


posted 06-23-2003 07:51 AM    
Ya think that would be a smart move???

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-23-2003 07:55 AM    
Guess I'll find out the hard way! He he he!


posted 06-23-2003 08:01 AM    
Please read the rules in regards to fighting. Not saying that you always fight; there are, however, members here who seem to lean in that direction.

This is not only boring, but does not develop characters. It only makes the flow of the role play grow stagnant.

Just thought this was a good place to state this.

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-23-2003 08:10 AM    
I'll keep that in mind as well. Thanks


posted 06-23-2003 09:02 AM    
Ya... You could always do as i do in a fight... Cause it is quite possible to pull off a good, developing fight scene...

I think the one between Recinis and maladius was a fairly good one, it was kinda a war of wits ya know? showed that recinis was actauly able to make stradamajy, and all that :P

Course, theres always fights with entaris... Those are great... *shoots lightning at you, while yoru in pain, places small bit of destructive essence in your head, leaves, no forever you are unable to think negativly or will be consumed by deppression*


No, i think the fights between two all users are the greatest...

"you attack me first" "no no, you attack me firsT" "no, i insist, attack..." "No, please, its quite alright, you may have the priveledge of going first..."

"No, honestly, i want you to go first"

And yes, there actauly was a fight somewhat like this...

Between graysith and Roan... It was actauly funny...

Gray: I could attack him, cause i have the claw... But he's no novice, he'd retailate instantly...

Roan: Yes whelp, i see the look on your face... You know very well that the claw was intended for use against a non all user... It will be worthless against me...AHAHAHAHAHAHA


posted 06-23-2003 09:22 AM    

For all you folks out there who for one reason or another haven't read, the All may not be used aggressively (ie: in outright, vicious, meaning to kill attack) against another. Unless the All-user has the Claw of S'slan, it can only be used in defense.

But then it's "Katie-bar-the-door-cuz-it's-no-holds-barred!!!"

[ 06-23-2003 09:25 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]