The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Sorry For Deleting

Lanlif Berayen

posted 06-17-2003 12:57 AM    
I deleted my post in "The Stars..." because it wasn't something I wanted to do. It was a movement thread thing and I'd like to keep my character where he is until I see a good place for him to go.

Sorry, I didn't mean to do anything bad, just had to do it.


posted 06-17-2003 07:30 AM    
"Lanlif," we have rules here for a purpose, and you persist in breaking them. The "no deleting" one is here for several reasons, one of them being that it helps the writer think more about his post before he puts it down.

Not to mention the fact that some people prefer to write replies in Word or some such, and then copy and paste it -- a reply may have been written by someone, all ready to go, and now it would have been wasted because the post it was meant to answer no longer exists.

You seem to have a habit of breaking this particular rule, as you have deleted posts several time previous to this. NO MORE. Once a post is written, it stays, unless it is deleted by the administration. QUIT THIS NOW.

This is your last warning, I'm afraid.

Lanlif Berayen

posted 06-17-2003 11:56 AM    
I said sorry. I didn't mean to break the rule, but I know I wouldn't have went out with my desicion so it would have been a fruitless post.