The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Whats attracts you to RP


posted 06-17-2003 12:26 AM    
What makes you interested in role playing?


posted 06-17-2003 12:30 AM    
Why don't you tell us your interest in it first?


posted 06-17-2003 12:36 AM    
Well I will.

My interest is the interaction, the world and the character. The interaction first has to be realistic, but if that is checked off it is all uphill from there. You have a character you have established who is being confronted by all these situations that you may never have to deal with in your life and you have to come up with a desicion in how he will deal with it.

It as if taking an unwritten script and having a group of people helping you write ever bit.

Another thing that is attractive is the character development. It is interesting to see how your character grows. It is as if you are seeing your son first walking when seeing the character you make blossom into something new.

It is more interesting to have it happen without it being planned.

One other thing I find very interesting about RP is the fact that it is as if you are acting. I find acting fascinating, but something that comes easy to me. You are falling into a role you have created. Your feeling the charcter, your understand the character.

Your becoming that character you created for as long as you posted.

Those are the reason Im attracted to role playing.

Xam Ngboohan

posted 06-17-2003 12:42 AM    
As for me, the RP is like a book in which I am a character. It is interesting to read it as well as play it. Also THIS is the best RPG i have seen on the net. The others were so!!!! stagnant.

And yea I like the interaction.