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posted 06-10-2003 01:51 PM    
What ever happened to him and his cousin. I'm asking mainly because I have a character that is involved with him at the moment and it is going at an kinda slow pace.

Do you know where these two are?

Also, that one girl who role played a egineer on the Hornett. What ever happened to her?


posted 06-10-2003 02:06 PM    
I do not know where these members are at the moment. Perhaps they went on vacation. Hopefully they will return.

If anyone has an idea, please post here.

I believe we can give them a week or so, then you'll have to write yourself out of the situation with their characters. Otherwise you'll just be "stuck."

Xam Ngboohan

posted 06-14-2003 01:02 AM    
Hi guys I am back. I had an examination to study for so my mom banned me from going online for a month. Sorry if I held up the RPGs. I would also appreciate a small update about the RPG boards.


posted 06-14-2003 01:11 AM    
Nothing much has really happen in your area. In the field for the Sith their has been a alot of new stuff happening. Graysith has blocked everything that Shayla, Erik, Dash, Jebbua, Alexis, Matt and Jasyn know about the Sith after they landed on the planet.

This means big trouble for their lives, especially Shayla since her only son is living in the bowls of the Sith.

Right now they are going through a talk with Aaron who was a side guy in this situation and still remembers all the issues. This is going on right now in a thread in Complete Star Wars Universe.

Otherwise their isn't much happening. You got hurt and you were taken to a med center. That is where your resting right now. Lanlif, my character helped you there along with Ruhatt. In that thread we proceeded to the nearest catina were we ate, waiting for you heal up.

After that Ruhatt started flirting with Alexis who had entered the place. He was blown off, literally. Afterwards Lanlif came up to the girl and tried to comfort her, but dind't help. Afterwards he went off into space since their wasn't much jobs that were circulated this area on Sullust and he had no real patience.

He is unsure now where he is heading.

You on the other hand are stickin in the same place. Your in the thread called "The Stars.."