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posted 12-27-2002 02:17 AM    
Sorry for my unannounced hiatus, but it looks like Taehun wouldn't have been involved in his RP much more afterwards anyway. Now that I'm on Christmas break, and finals are finally over, (You wouldn't believe what I had to do for my English class) I should have some more time to RP. Sometime tomorrow I'll probably read up and find something for my character to do.

Oh yeah, and I just found out I got accepted to my first choice for colleges, so I've been celebrating for a few days too. w00t!!!

[ 01-05-2003 11:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Taehun ]


posted 12-27-2002 11:20 AM    
Congrats on the college thing! Rah rah, and all that. And Taehun IS still in RP; we've just sort of gone on as you've seemed to have been MIA. Hmmm... he was still on K'eel Doba... I have a great idea how to get him back into play since everyone else seems to be gone from there now... or rather, just leaving...

Snickers through whiskers...


posted 12-27-2002 12:29 PM    
Welcome back Taehun, you've been missed! Congrats on the college acceptance, it's always nice to know you are getting your first choice. What school?

And as for RP, there is ALWAYS a way back into things...


posted 12-27-2002 06:26 PM    
The Air Force Academy's the school I was talking about. I get a great education for a five year committment in the air force, plus free food, health, computer, etc. I guess the hardest part is putting up with all the upperclassmen since you're pretty much their slave your freshman year.


posted 12-27-2002 08:17 PM    
Hey, CONGRATS. That's what my daughter wanted to do. What did you do to get accepted? (Ie: grades, extracurricular activities, JROTC, yadda yadda yadda.)

Any input/advice/tips would be greatly appreciated!

You want to fly? Heheh... (who doesn't.)


posted 12-28-2002 12:30 AM    
Well, there's a variety of things that you can do that'll look good on your application, but I'll give you some of the strong points that were on mine.

1. SATs/ACTs - My scores were fairly high on the SATs (1420, i think) and that saved me in regards to my academic composite, since my gpa wasn't too stellar. Just keep in mind that your daughter's gpa, difficulty of classes, and standaradized test scores are all lumped into one pile.

2. Boys State/Girl's State - For some reason, all of the service academies love this program. Try to get your daughter to find out as much as possible before her junior year is over.

3. Some sort of sports is a serious plus. Especially if she excels at one of them. They have some sort of statistic that says 89% of those admitted have a varsity letter in at least one sport.

As for JROTC, my school doesn't offer it, but that didn't really affect my application too much. If she can get a club officer
/student council spot in high school (she's in high school, right?) that's also a definate plus. They look real hard at past leadership positions.

If you're looking for info on the application process, follow the link:

If she's in highschool you should have her get in touch with her academy liasion officer as soon as possible. They should have the info for that somewhere on the website I gave you.

Man, I feel like a recruiter


posted 12-28-2002 12:48 AM    
I know this is a rude question, specially since your a lady-but how old are ya Graysith?


posted 12-28-2002 12:52 AM    
She is 422, and doesn't look a day over 310.


posted 12-28-2002 12:58 AM    
Shucks, Ani... You're too kind...!

And no, I DO NOT live on Mercury, either.

[ 12-28-2002 01:00 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 12-28-2002 12:59 AM    
Uhh.....nice answer


posted 12-28-2002 01:02 AM    
Well, that's okay, I'm 999, and look every day of it.

so there.

And Taehun, if you made a 1420 on the SATs, yousa be a hell of alot smarter than I was.

[ 12-28-2002 01:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 12-28-2002 01:13 AM    

And Taehun, if you made a 1420 on the SATs, yousa be a hell of alot smarter than I was.

Mmmmmmm... point of this being...?


posted 12-28-2002 01:16 AM    
Just a comment referring to the fact that this is a really high score, at least in my humble opinion. I never did well on those standardized things anyway, it's NOT an easy thing. Takes a smart dude to score that high . That's what I meant.

[ 12-28-2002 01:17 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 12-28-2002 01:56 AM    
or just someone who tests really well...


posted 12-28-2002 10:41 AM    
Yeah, I do just fine til it comes to timed testing. I hate the pressure.