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posted 12-10-2002 02:32 PM    
Lumbia, I see you are working on yet another character (Btas). You have a tendency to create characters, leap into threads with them but not actually respond to existing characters, just write in the confines of the thread -- and then "go."

At the moment you do have one character in a thread in an active role playing situation, and that character is Jamel. Why don't you concentrate on role playing with him, get the hang of this more, before starting up with anyone else. I do not believe there are currently any threads open where another rebel type could logically enter into play.

Thank you.


posted 12-11-2002 07:44 PM    
Oh naw, he's not a rebel, and its not that Im not focusing on that action, its the reason that I have little time on the computer which came after I attempte dot create him. Im actually not going to even attempt of using him as of this moment, I just dont have that kind of time. Im tryin' to focus as I said, but little time on the computer is making me unabled.


posted 12-11-2002 08:23 PM    
i dont wanna but in... But err, if your not planning on using him... Then err... Why did you create him in the first place? thats like buying a TV, and leaving it in its box, or buying a cheeseburger and waiting a month to eat it... it just doesnt make much sense...


posted 12-11-2002 10:58 PM    
Well I was going to use him, but I didn't get the chance to, and I have little chance to at the moment. In further situations I shall use him, but at the time, like Graysith says its idiotic to jump into anything for their is nothing to jump into. Before the task of me creating him I didn't know of the situation I would be in, and the inability to use the computer as much as previous occasions. As of now I can't use him, and I can barley post as my characters now, Im going to hold him of as you have done with your birth characters. Jharu, and all the way down the list with them.

Thats all...thats truly the reason I reserved holding back his bio and not coming home after hte libary and updating it after I noticed I couldn't get on the computer much, and attempting to force out three characters in all wouldn't be healthy for my role playing career.

It was a discussion not in retiring, but taking time of. Thats all...