The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Sorry


posted 10-06-2002 12:26 AM    
I feel I owe an apology to my fellow RPers for Taehun, Telcontar, and Bane. I've been especially hard pressed to find time to write between 3 hour football practices, homework, my job, etc etc.

So, for now, all of my characters are in a state of limbo. I formally allow fellow RPers to conduct 'actions' for my characters as they see fit, so long as none are killed.


posted 10-15-2002 11:55 PM    
Its ok taehun, we all have been there at one point in time, or another...just remember... "its impossible to lick your elbo"


posted 11-12-2002 12:30 AM    
Well, football season's over, and I've got a lot of ree time now, so I guess I'll be rejoining the RP boards soon. I'll be reading up on what I've missed and be jumping back in sometime this week.


posted 11-12-2002 12:36 AM    
Welcome back! I feel I speak for everyone here when I say I am glad you have returned. There has been much ado; we look forward to you posting again!

Hope your games went well....

Rakim Jo'La-kin

posted 11-12-2002 01:08 AM    
Yah! Well now that your back, I may be losing time on the web with basketball season staring. Nice to see your here, peace!

One Love

Thea Morgan

posted 11-12-2002 10:10 PM    
I know what you mean- it is officially HELL month here - ie major projects due in EVERY CLASS EVERY DAY until finals week ( the second week of Dec).... I LOVE COLLEGE - yes I do - and I LOVE being a DOUBLE MAJOR.....


posted 11-12-2002 10:18 PM    
Heh, hrrmmm... I guess im lucky then, I have the innate talent to put everything off untill the last possible moment, write a 5 page essay the night before, and get an A... or at LEAST a -B... So i have plenty of time to roleplay

Well, welcom back taehun, missed ya man... Maybe narcolm and bane can finaly get to moving now they kinda just went POOF when you had football

Hmmm... Lumbia, you got basketball? thats no good, that means we'll lose another player, DOH... Jeez, we need a biger player base, you know how nice it would be to have MORE THEN 3 AUTHERS in the SAME RP situation at ANY GIVEN TIME? ooowww...that would be SWEET! i can imagine it, REAL ROLEPLAYING! WHOOHOOO!!!

I think im going to scavenge the net for worthless RP bums, hehe, I KNOW THERE ARE MORE OF MY KIND!

I mean, jeez, i couldnt be the ONLY one that found himself cold, and hungry, and somewhat lost, when "dark horizon" went out of bussiniss... God... That was the best Starwars Roleplaying M.U.D. Ever... Hehe, but then, this place rises above that, so jeez, i know i can find more of those poor RP bums that find themselves on the streets of the internet, just begging for a life to assume... THIS SHALL BE MY MISSION!

*goes off with purpose*


posted 11-13-2002 09:10 PM    
I should apologize. I neglected the RP the last week and a half, but for reasons. Sorry for not replying to those I've not replied to, hopefully I'll do it soon, if not, give me a little more time.

If you feel you deserve a reply from me, and you're really mad about it, post here and I'll try to hury and get one (that exludes any reply to Terrin, a reply taking this long could actually happen in his case).