The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Info on Thread-Jumping


posted 09-18-2002 12:00 PM    
OK, some people are getting crazy with making threads to show their characters moving around the universe here. While the enthusiasm and adherence to detail is appreciated, this is really not necessary.

Thread-jumping serves to bring a character to where other characters are s/he wishes to role play with. Or it occurs when a character returns to a place already established by a former thread. Graysith and her party jumped back into the "Realm of the Lost Lords," thread (Korriban) which was initially begun when she and Shayla first went there. Characters always jump into "Back to Coruscant," when they wish to deal with Actar. And so on.

But threads don't have to be started separately for one character moving by himself about the universe; it is confusing to the readers, and we get too many itty-bitty threads. Just develop what you want as introduction, then bring your character into whatever thread it is you wish to join into.

Regarding this, please make a directive OOC post telling the reader where to go from there. No problems with this, I am simply re-stating this as a reminder.

However, if an OOC directive post has been placed by a writer WITHOUT A DESTINATION THREAD STATED, that character is temporarily out of play, and no preparatory or retaliatory actions can be developed against that character until s/he comes back into the storyline. Call this a "safety-net" if you will. And as for this "safety net," let us not misuse it; and if used, the character cannot be out of play for more than three real-days unless other arrangements have been made. This could cover times when, for example, the writer is to be gone in real life, and doesn't want his or her character demolished in his absence. Also, keep in mind the logic. The character has to be moving from one thread into another. It isn't fair to just up and make a character "disappear" from an active thread.