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posted 09-04-2002 08:09 PM    
Two of my characters are kinda just relying on replies, which I really dont wanna rush, even though I do like the nice touch of role playing. Dont look down on me, but Im not going to be role playing even with my free character until something falls into his lap. He's not that kinda of character who goes out his way to get into trouble, he just ends up in it when its right infront of him, so I found it characteristically perfect for him. So even though I dont expect anything to fall in his lap anytime soon I will not be role playing until that time. Thats all I wanted to state, so if you ever got a sense of someone not being around in the Role Playing Forum-even thought I wasn't very significant. Thats all, see ya!



posted 09-04-2002 09:02 PM    
I'll apologize to you and Lord_Alcron, because I ahven't replied to either of you. I have some time that I could do it in, but spurt of the moment writing was never my thing.

For Sean, if you want, go ahead and recieve an application for the Imperial Academy, and send it back. Have them tell you that if you're accepted, you'll be contacted. I promise I'll make the post after that one, just do that and you won't have to sit around doing nothing.

Alcron can sit as far as I (and the Empire) care. Heh, who flies to Coruscant and asks to talk to Admiral Actar anyway? Especially if Actar doesn't even know them.


posted 09-04-2002 09:32 PM    
heh, truth be told, with entaris and recinis suddenly bursting into development, i post to much with both of them to handle a third now, so im glade you havent replied to me, anyway, ya, if you have the time or something, just say you blew the ship up or somethin, and alcron can wait till he's needed... or till i have time for him, for that matter, especialy with school...wheww...bad stuff right there...any way, peace out homy's *try's to act cool*


posted 09-04-2002 09:33 PM    
*is cool... ...i wish...

[ 09-04-2002 09:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Loban ]

Thea Morgan

posted 09-18-2002 03:30 PM    
JUst letting you know Thea has her own name so she won't be confusing people anymore (namely me)


posted 09-18-2002 03:46 PM    
You got it Padme, OHL...

And the sig is too cute... lol...

[ 09-18-2002 03:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Loban ]


posted 12-18-2002 06:00 PM    
i like padme and some of the female characters in the star wars movies


posted 12-18-2002 06:53 PM    
Hello and welcome,Thrawn75... glad to have you here.

However, this thread and forum pertain to characters in our role play universe. Anything along the lines of what you posted above should go in SW Discussion.

Thank you.

Tylon Kincaid

posted 12-23-2002 01:11 AM    
I just read Anakin's post (about 2 minutes ago) in this thread...and I'm smacking myself in the forehead right now (And typing with my other hand).

I just came to realize that I have been floating in orbit around Coruscant for TWO WHOLE MONTHS and that I had no hope of reply whatsoever! If I read this earlier (REAL earlier)...well, crap it wouldn't really matter since the posts I made already recieved replies!

Since I'm gonna have to find a way to get out of this hole I dug myself into, I'm asking for ANY admin to delete all the posts I made in the "Back to Coruscant" thread and that for Anakin to do the same with his replying posts as well.


posted 12-23-2002 02:36 AM    
Umm... let's see if we can come up with a more reasonable solution.