The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » RPGERS READ ME!!!!


posted 09-03-2002 04:43 PM    
Greetings fellow RPGers!

This is to inform all that as of tonight, Tuesday 9/03, my profession removes me from the virtual world and forces me into reality during the hours of approximately 5:30 p.m.-11:00 pm. CDT, every day Mon.-Thurs. I shall miss the evening "chats" and IMs, but shall continue to roleplay with you all during the hours I am free. Of course this includes weekends as well.

If anyone has any questions regarding RPG, ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE "ALL," please either PM me or email me at: <>

Heheh... "gone" but not forever, The Chosen Daughter now fades to "lurk...."


posted 09-03-2002 07:40 PM    
THAT JUST SUCKS! your on while im at school, and when i get home, your gone already or leaving...jeez... *cry's* one'a my best friends here too... *sniffles*


posted 09-03-2002 08:15 PM    
Aww, don't be sad Entaris, I'll be around. *entaris wails* oh well.

Anyway, best of luck with your job!


posted 09-04-2002 01:38 AM    
Thank you both for your support! I have news! According to my assistants --YES, I HAVE UNDERLINGS!!! -- there are often weeks when I am able to depart at 8:30 instead of 9:45.

I'll be back a bit earlier this week; I was late tonight as I had to go to the printer, and then this silly town decided this was the ONE AND ONLY NIGHT THEY COULD POSITIVELY MANAGE to erect the supports for not one, but TWO new overpasses, oh joy... and of course I hit them both... and had a nice 20 minute wait at each one, hehe....

So much for lead time! But I'll avoid that path home tomorrow night, and should be back by 9:00 cdt.

Joins in with the rising accolade....

Oh yes... and Recinis??? "Just" friends???



posted 09-04-2002 01:43 AM    
Gray... ya beat me to that one... me not thinky just friends...


posted 09-04-2002 02:09 AM    
Underlings. That would be really nice, LOL.


posted 09-04-2002 02:13 AM    
it would, wouldn't it... i am an private 3rd class at the moment, absolute bottom of the barrel... <---call me shawn petrolu.

[ 09-04-2002 02:15 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Loban ]


posted 09-04-2002 03:04 AM    
Is that a challenge?


posted 09-04-2002 09:40 AM    
I believe Loban is referring to Shawn's classic "eye roll"

[ 09-04-2002 09:41 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 09-04-2002 10:26 AM    
Well I think its a challenge to me? **Just trying to start a fight**


posted 09-04-2002 11:59 AM    
Underlings hmm... *looks all dreamy* that would be great. Well Im glad that you will be back earlier than predicted.


posted 09-04-2002 12:11 PM    
Hell, right now I'd just love to have a job, even if it meant being an underling. At least that pays too.

The Job Market is cruel.