The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Suggesting


posted 08-25-2002 07:05 PM    
I believe that the ability not to weild control over another character has me, and a few people not to expand on the role playing horizion. I htink we should have the ability to withold control over another character only if your character interacts in the post. So if the owner of the character feels you did something wrong the personality or something, pm them and have them instantly delete the post. This'll allow the universe to move much quicker, because certain people may not have the task of allowing someone by stating and not be around by emergacy.

Also this'll allow people to grasp characterzation, which is a nice element to role playing. You wont only have the task of with holding your own character in a post but anothers. This would be a test on the usual instead of unoccasional.

Also the fact that killing another character would still be there would also give us much more boundaries.

Another way suggestion would be to have a seperation in post about 5 minutes, so that they wont be a smash of the same time frame and action so the characterzation controlling wont end up tangling up into a problem. As you may make a character do this and another person make him do another thing all with the same time frame and reaction to a problem.

Just a suggestion, but tell me in a informative way why we can use it....that is if you disagree


posted 08-25-2002 07:08 PM    
Id also like to add that if you really like the place people, it wouldn't be bad to advertise. More people could come and expand the universe. It'd be nice to see more then 2 people on at a time. Or another boring form is no one on except on person. So maybe on occasions if your in a conversation that someone that fits the description of someone that'd role play, ask 'em to.


posted 08-25-2002 07:38 PM    
Please keep in mind that while the forums are concurrent, this is NOT "realtime" role play, as are the majority of other online sites. This is WRITING role play; sometimes posting frenzies occur, and sometimes not. If we allow one to overly-manipulate another writer's character simply because that writer is not responding immediately, for whatever the reason, then we are NOT role playing but story writing.

The whole idea is to post, try to protect or set up yourself as the situations call for it, and leave room for another character to reply to your post.

And NO, we still may not kill off another registered character unless given express permission in writing by the author of the character concerned.

Patience, my friends, patience....


posted 08-25-2002 09:48 PM    
Um well this is something I'd like to confront in situations when people do not come back for near months. Which could happen


posted 08-25-2002 09:59 PM    
Indeed, several of us have been gone for some time over this recent summer. But this problem usually occurs on a seasonal basis. If a character's author is going to be too busy to write, then he or she should write that character into a position where it is out of play, or just "dragged along with the bunch" during the absence.

There is no way one person should reply for another person's character unless given express permission by the author to do so. As such, these few events shall be considered on an individual basis.


posted 08-25-2002 11:33 PM    
umm...just a little question, but arent we aloud to manipulate other characters? i mean, maybe not in the degree lumbia is talking about, but to a certain point? i just wanna get this clarified so i dont get yelled at later


posted 12-03-2002 12:17 AM    
uppin for clarification, as I would like some clarifing too