The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » 300 posts...


posted 08-22-2002 10:57 PM    
Entaris is only 6 away, and 9 for me... I know you guys are planning a surprise party, so give it up... I am on to you...


posted 08-22-2002 11:25 PM    
6 away? i seem to be at 300 my friend...


posted 08-22-2002 11:28 PM    
Good job, you even have the time... I know pronounce that one Entaris of the holonet boards has successfully made it to his 300th post... on August 22nd, 2002, at the stroke of 11:25 est. congratulations, you must be proud...


posted 08-22-2002 11:58 PM    
I did it! I want to thank everyone that made this possible... it feels like only 8 days ago I made it to 200... wait, it was only 8 days ago... anyway, I want to thank Graysith, Mara1Jade, Anakin, hmmm that is all... again thank you... you like me, you really, really like me!!


posted 08-23-2002 12:03 AM    
wait a tick! we didnt say anything about LIKING you. TOLORATE you...yes...sometimes, when we're in the mood, but LIKE you...thats a pretty strong word...


posted 08-23-2002 12:07 AM    
wait a tick... I just love that phrase... it means no worries, for the rest of your days... it's a problem free, philosophy...


posted 08-23-2002 11:52 AM    
Hey! wait a tick! thats my phrase! your not aloud to us it... *growls* its copyrighted man, you have to send me $5.55 every time you write it on this bored...or i can sue you for $1000.98, its in my ha!


posted 08-23-2002 11:57 AM    
YOUR PHRASE!!?? we both coined it off Austin Powers to begin with, and... who used it on the boards first?


posted 08-23-2002 12:12 PM    
austin powers used that phrase! OMG! now i have to sue them.... i been using that phrase sense i was freaken 12, just like ugly duckling stole my phrase too...i was using "life sucks without a care" sense i was 8...everyone steals my freaken sayings!


posted 08-23-2002 12:16 PM    
Ok, how about this... from now on, only the two of us can use it, make sure to make a post copyrighting it this time...


posted 08-23-2002 12:20 PM totaly serious, its legaly copy righted under my name... actauly, im gonna get the phrase "bad monkey" copy righted under my name... and i think ill copy right the name "flac" and 'entaris' then i can sue people when they use my name! hehe...stupid wanna be's that steal my name... i swear, i went for 4 years without seeing anyone that has my name, now suddenly there are like 5 people... and also, entaris, i have seen 3 entaris' out there... Recinis though, that has yet to be copied... HAHAHAHA!!!


posted 08-23-2002 12:30 PM    
Well... then I have 'have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon's light' copyrighted.... so there...


posted 08-23-2002 08:55 PM    
Nas already used it......bah!


posted 08-23-2002 10:24 PM    
umm...i think i got this to say... "im a hazard to myself"