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posted 08-18-2002 04:27 AM    
So who do you thing emotionally, or mentally is complex. Not hard to understand, but just plainly complex. Always having two sides to things, what do you think is the most complex out of all the characters?


posted 08-18-2002 12:20 PM    
i would have to say, of all the characters, either Entaris(have to mention my character)
or any of the All users... the fact that they have to be able to act good or evil and accept the fact that they have to go against there natural alignment sometimes, just creates for some interesting things.

but of course theres entaris, who while not complex in appearance, takes me a long time to get into the rite mood to post a good post with... because anything he does, is not necesaraly evil in appearance, but its more out of insanity, before i make a decision with him, i have to ask myself tons of questions, to simulate his inner thoughts, which are just a massed jumble of mindless nonsence, but in the end he's simple, cause he just does stuff in the name of evil

but truely, i think the most complex character has got to be Graysith, but this could be because she is the most well, and longest to be, developed, she actauly has a past, and has issues from that past that she has to deal with constantly, I.E. the wicked and roan clashings, and problems with her sister for a while...

galan as well i would have to say is complex. for various reasons that im to lazy to actauly think of and post

[ 08-18-2002 12:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Entaris ]


posted 08-18-2002 03:11 PM    
Well I clearly agree with you on this side of things about Graysith, since she has been devolped so much to the point that she could be considered a movie character, for she has a past. Shayla I think is very complex, as she did the same thing as me, just in a different order. She once was to become a Jedi, while my character once had to become a Dark Jedi. Then previously flipped into the form of a Jedi. I find that a complex thing to work with, as once you have used Evil, now your on the good side. And which makes it more complex for a character like Lumbia would have to be trying to fight yourself in every post-or calming yourself. At the moment he is cleansed, and he thinks he choose his path, but at any moment the Darkness that was once in him could come to be. I think that was alot what Anakin was dealing with in the last movie, and now he leans back and forth from Good and Evil, but unlike my character he isn't noticing it until he achieves the power that he wants.

Now to Shayla, I find her character not as complex, but she actually has a past just like Graysith. As I stated before she was once to start as a Jedi Knight, and has suddenly changed. It is something that I must say could me hard to describe, for I did it myself-but Im sure it was much differen't doing it because she joined with Graysith & my character actually didn't join with anyone. She's probably one of my favorite characters out of the whole bunch. Also what makes it complex for characters that have devolped like Graysith and Shayla, you have to always keep in mind of the past. And it makes them complex for their past as so countered toward their present at times, so they have to keep in mind. Along with that, they always have to second guess their actions for anger may be in them, or over aggression, meanwhile they also have to put some sort of light and bravery in it. That is a task that Im sure it hard to grasp, or it would be for me.

Okay, Peace out....


posted 08-18-2002 03:49 PM    
Bows to acknowledge compliment, then runs to place imprint of hand and foot outside Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood....

[ 08-18-2002 03:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 08-22-2002 03:38 PM    
wait a tick! i just noticed something about lumbia's post!

you said shayla did the same thing as you only in a different order...but, she went from jedi to sith... she's still good, you went from DJ to jedi, are you implying that sith are evil? *growl* *chuckle* jus playing...bordem gets us all eventauly...


posted 08-22-2002 04:02 PM    
Me? Evil? *pretends there is a halo over her head*


posted 08-22-2002 09:21 PM    
Wait a tick... no, I have no point...


posted 08-22-2002 09:33 PM    
ok, i never thought the day would come that i would say this...but.... *drags it from his lips* lumbia is another very complex character...not truly, but you are trying hard to develop your character to be a complex character, with his own problems, and inner demons, and thats at least an A for effort, youll soon be up there with shayla, and graysith


posted 08-22-2002 10:20 PM    
Well said, Entaris. And I agree as well.


posted 08-22-2002 10:43 PM    
Dude, you mean Shayla is actually up there with Graysith? *looks surprised*

And really Lumbia, good work!


posted 08-22-2002 10:45 PM    
My pinky hurts... oh, was that aloud?


posted 08-25-2002 02:29 AM    
and as for REALLY complex, id have to vote loban up there...if for nothign else but the fact that that boy has some serious issues... and if i never see a post that say's loban has no cloths on, again, it will be to soon... *shudders*