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posted 08-17-2002 10:18 PM    
I haven't used Dinla since I dont know what, and Im gonna let her go away like Entaris did to Trel. I wasn't going to go to indepth in the character much anyways, and I didn't believe I would go anywhere with her in the first place..


posted 08-17-2002 11:49 PM    
ok, trel didnt just go away, he did his best to get killed first, i did a whole bunch of stuff...although, loban's little stunt helped me to do that... still, afterwards trel was half insane from touching the dark side... so he had a reason to leave!

but still...have fun sending her away... *chuckle*


posted 08-17-2002 11:58 PM    
I was thinking of falling off one of Nar Shadda's walking ways when getting shot....hehe If you've seen or played Jedi Knight Outcast, you know how grim and scary that is


posted 08-18-2002 12:19 AM    
*watches as his character slowly disinigrats* umm....snipers bad...force speed good...wa! to many snippers! ah...aha... AHALAAAAAA!!!! SAVE ME!!!
*Shift+~* "god" -God mode on- "WHAT NOW SNIPERS! AHAHAAHAHAAH!!!!


posted 08-18-2002 03:01 AM    
**urns on secret code kill, and shoots through the god mode and kill him**