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posted 08-15-2002 10:16 PM    
Look here folks, you started a mess tonight. Let me lay this down real simple for you all. Running between admins to try and get a "yes" from one of them is a one way path to getting banned. It isn't cool, so it's gonna stop.

If you have a problem with something I say, GS cannot help you anymore than M1J, so leave them alone. If you have a problem with something I say, you come talk to me. You can IM me on AIM or ICQ, or email me, but leave them alone, as neither of them are in my head. Same goes for something M1J or GS say.

EVERYTHING regarding THE ALL is up to Graysith. THE ALL is a registered character, so if you have questions about it, ask her.

Remember, going between Admins, playing "ask mom if dad says no" isn't cool.