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posted 08-14-2002 09:39 PM    
Lumbia the character has the capability of being controlled by both TheKnot (Major Carlos) and Taehun until I say otherwise. They only have half control, meaning they only have the ability to harm him, but not severely to the point of complete body injure for the rest of his life. No slicing hands or anything, cause that kind of things are clearly irritable, cause I dont want no sliced hand.

So that means you have the chance ofharming me, no slicing task, other then a piece of flesh, but no limbs. No death, and No Life threatening, or more then one lime injury. You may be able to cut at a vein, as that is slicing at my flesh, but otherwise you can not cut off my arm. That is a point Im really trying to make.


posted 08-14-2002 09:50 PM    
Just curious, but do they need permision to slice an arm off? cause if so, terrin really got screwed....and so did graysith for that matter... i was under the impression that you only needed permision to kill... oh well, any adminy's wanna clue me in?


posted 08-14-2002 09:54 PM    
Hey I dont want my leg cut off, and I have all control of my character, so It hink I can dis out the permission. I just think you should be able to state what you want them to be able to do, instead of saying you have full control or half, because its not to descriptive, and anything could happen that you dont want.


posted 08-14-2002 09:56 PM    
You don't have to ask permission to cause bodily injury to anyone's character at ANY TIME. Terrin lost an arm, Graysith a finger, Actar AN EAR, and HELL, POOR GALEN, WE WON'T GO THERE.

But the point is, as long as your character isn't DEAD, anyone can harm your character in ANY WAY so long as they actually CAN DO WHAT THEY STATE THEY'VE DONE. And thusfar, I haven't seen anything wrong with what Knot or Taehun has done to your guys.

This is RP man. You don't get to pick what injuries or situations your character might get into.


posted 08-14-2002 10:01 PM    
Just look at me... Sid tried to blind entaris...well...he did... ok, that aint that bad...heh, is this a cort of law? recinis can sue for emotional damage...poor guy, just fond out his race is all but extinct...


posted 08-14-2002 10:06 PM    
I just find it slightly unfiar if you get your arms & legs cut off, and your lungs nearly collapse from a grip hold, like Anakin created. You'd have no chance of living, no matter who you are. Even renegeratable characters wont have the time to do anything, no matter what. You'd bleed to death, your lungs collapse, and since the blood is leaking, your heart rate wont be nothing.

[ 08-14-2002 10:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


posted 08-14-2002 10:12 PM    
you can lose an arm and live, its a part of character development, helps develop grudges, and such...just look at terrin, he doesnt like Roans little "friend" very much...and that caused him to not trust the sith very much either, i think. It adds a lot to your character if you lose stuff... and as for bleeded, most wounds here, are done with a lightsaber, therin, its cotterized instantly...
thats the greatness of starwars, wound dont bleed...the grip thing, that breaks conecntration, and stunes you for a while, when griped you generaly pass out, maybe suffer some brain damage but not die... well, not here at least, we cant kill ya


posted 08-14-2002 10:13 PM    
I'm afraid I don't know exactly what you are talking about concerning the grip hold. And if you are referring to Sid, there were ways he could have gotten off Kessel. And when Terrin's arm was torn off, I relied on other characters to do something about it, cause that's what RP is about. Ditto for Galen when...well, that happened.

And besides, Lumbia IS a Force user. Unless it's a weakness he should have some healing capabilities. And prosethic technology in SW is awesome. They aren't even recognizable (thank God).

And I like Entaris's points about character development. Loses do initiate character development.

Besides, who said RP was always fair? We are creating an atmosphere of reacting to one another's actions, not writing a story in which we have a set path for our characters.

[ 08-14-2002 10:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 08-14-2002 10:50 PM    
I agree, but now where is Taehun....