The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Bounty Hunter's Guild

Ghost Dog

posted 08-09-2002 11:42 PM    
(OOC) I was wondering if there is a Bounty Hunter's Guild formed.. if not I would like to get some people who are interested and start one if thats okay with the Admins.. I was thinking we could accept bounties on other RP'ers... just a thought.


posted 08-10-2002 12:01 AM    
You could also put it on non-playing-characters, who you create. That way you wouldn't have to rely on someone putting a bounty on someone all the time.


posted 08-10-2002 01:02 AM    
Ummmm...have you checked the Rules and How-To? I don't think what you are thinking of is exaclty how this RP works, although it's late and my brain is a little tired so I could be wrong.


posted 08-10-2002 01:11 AM    
I think it actually could fit, as it would have stories behind the fights as well. Also it wouldn't be very easy just capturing people, which I have noticed thorought things, so you could maybe use it realistically as the rules place it, and that way it'd fit perfectly with the system.

Sorben Tarnus

posted 08-10-2002 01:34 AM    
Hey pal, in case you didn't know...

There is a Bounty Hunter's guild which has been referred to here and there, and visited by a few of the rpg characters. I belong to the elite Tavlorian clan there.

Anyway, the world is run by a fellow named Seus, and doesn't really have a name. Any posts about a this world belong in Complete SW Universe forum.

Just a head's up... or should I run get Gray?


posted 08-10-2002 11:19 AM    
Ya, the Hunters guild has indeed been refered to... I dont know how all this would fit together, but if you really wanted to, im sure you could go around in RP and gather people to join your own little guild, but i dont think it would be wise to try to coordinate it here. As this doesnt count in rp, and therin all your characters would not know eachother in the story, and this thread becomes usless...

Theres my take, enjoy