The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » How can I join the RPG?

Pyro Monkey

posted 07-16-2002 11:09 PM    
Hi, I was wondering how i can join the SW RP?


posted 07-16-2002 11:14 PM    
just create a character in the description board... then join in on a thread, but make sure it makes sense...


posted 07-16-2002 11:30 PM    
Read the Rules.


posted 08-14-2002 07:23 PM    
Also you should look at all the things at the top with arrows pointing to them. Specially Story Synopsis, even though it hasn't been updated lately, it'll set you perfectly what is going on in the universe. Otherwise you should read a few threads and find one that is good for your character to jump into. Play your best, and you'll fit in perfectly...I guess


posted 08-14-2002 07:29 PM    
Welcome, Pyro Monkey!

Please familiarize yourself with the rules in RP Headquarters, and cast a glance over the characters here (in "Descriptions," also in RP HQ). Design a character of your own, post a description of him (follow the link in Descriptions in RP HQ) and then leap in.

Any problems or questions, please feel free to PM me.

Welcome to the Escapepod!


posted 08-14-2002 07:33 PM    
Yah and that stands for anyong viewing, or consider joining, so boo-yow!!


posted 08-14-2002 07:37 PM    
Yes... welcom, I hope ya have fun playin! and remember, above all else, have fun, rules are all fine and dandy, but its pointless unless ya try to have fun...but i better shut up now before some admin type character kills me