The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Vacation!


posted 07-05-2002 11:41 PM    
The active threads in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forum (Cry of the Sith), along with "Evil Among Us" in the Complete Star Wars Universe, have been locked due to vacation time that will be taken by the two primary writers of those forums starting July 6. This is a formal notice requesting that no action be taken pertaining to any character in the above stated threads and forums until such time as those authors formally return (which should be around 2 weeks from the 6th).

These characters include Graysith, Terrin Danner, Galen, Shayla Stargazer Petrolu, Al'iya, M'wonbo'o, Recinis, Narcolm, Terrin's Crew, Admiral Pallaeon, and Shawn Petrolu. (did I miss anyone?)

Please take note of this and respond accordingly.

Thank you very much and have a happy summer!

[ 07-11-2002 12:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 07-06-2002 12:08 AM    
Have fun...


posted 07-11-2002 11:54 AM    
Well, kiddos. With that last Terrin post, I'm OUTTA HERE. Seeya in a little over a week. Behave yourselves. Live long and prosper.


posted 07-21-2002 09:25 PM    
OK, I'm back. Mostly. But I gotta go sometime this week to turn in my FINAL PROJECT and get my CAP AND GOWN so I can GRADUATE, so I'll be gone Thursday...I think. Other than that, I'm here, but I'm finishing up that project. I'll hang back a while and see when Gray pops up again. I have a post in mind, but I'd kinda like to NOT be the first one to post again, since I was the last one to post before we closed everything. So let's hang lose a day or so and see if anyone else returns.