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posted 07-02-2002 10:33 AM    
Only with the All can the spaceTIME fabric be truly controlled. It takes YEARS to not only accept it, but learn how to use it. It took Graysith a FULL REALTIME YEAR to teach Shayla, and many, many threads. This has already been established that in this universe, according to the Jedi, time manipulation is pretty much impossible for those not using the All.

I think one SW book tried it: it took Three Jedi Masters (one was Luke Skywalker), they were EXTREMEMLY MODERATE in their success (didn't do much) and were physically, emotionally, and mentally wiped out for some time afterward.


posted 07-05-2002 06:17 PM    
could one creat a place where time was warped or altered or did not run parralel to elswere. Some sort of natural phenomenon not the creation of anyone but somthing that just occured.


posted 07-05-2002 11:05 PM    
Yes, this is ok. As long as it is not controlled by a character, but is a natural phenomenon instead.

This happens around black holes, you know. I bet time is strange near Kessel and the Maw.