The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Add a planet to the map!


posted 05-28-2002 02:02 PM    
I'm putting together this galaxy map to help show where different planets are in relationship to other ones. If you have a planet that ought to be added, let me know the name and where it is on the map.

Here's the link,

Note, there are very few planets in the region towards the left. It's a somewhat unexplored region in the Star Wars Galaxy, so don't put many there.


posted 05-28-2002 05:11 PM    
Yeah, the space to the left is the unknown regions, and where the Sith used to dominate. Although I have told Anakin where to place Khar Delba and Korriban, remember these are really NOT on any known charts, their locations lost to the ages and so on.