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posted 05-27-2002 03:41 PM    
OK, there has been confusion in the world of role play, and that confusion lies in the definition of what role play IS. In "real life" it is people getting together to act out a scenario (game). Here, it is people acting AGAINST EACH OTHER, only in written form rather than face to face.


OK, now we get people running amuck with permission for others to use their characters. Traditionally, this permission to use another character was to cover times when the author was gone, whether for a short period of time, and extended one, or permanently. Now we have active people giving each other permission...

...and this strays beyond the boundaries of role play and into the realm of collaborative storytelling. So any active writers who wish to let other active writers use their characters, please write in the "Da Vincis and Hemmingways at the Pod" forum, which is for original stories. Collaborative stories would fall under that category.

Otherwise, let's please refrain from handing characters over willy-nilly (not to mention characters so new that a person wouldn't have a feel for his personality yet) unless the author plans to disappear for a bit.

And any authors out there who plan on disappearing, please state in writing who you would like to handle your character (if so); and if not, we'll muddle along without you as best we can!


posted 05-27-2002 03:45 PM    
Thanks for addressing that now...especially that second to last part about having new characters a person doesn't understand their personality yet.

I actually wanted Tylon to be a bad-ass bounty hunter haunted by a he's a bumbling idiot whose ass got kicked from some punk Jedi wannabe.

Oh well. If you can't run from a tidal wave, might as well jump into it...

[ 05-27-2002 03:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by TheKnot ]


posted 05-27-2002 03:50 PM    
I can still fix that, you know. I don't think there IS such an animal as a "bumbling bounty hunter..."


posted 05-27-2002 03:55 PM    
Ah, don't worry. I'll have my revenge soon enough

Check out the recent post on "Urika" to see what I mean...