The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » REGISTERING CHARACTERS


posted 05-26-2002 08:25 PM    
Hey, cool, I see alot of new characters. This is a good thing, but you'll want to REGISTER these guys to ENSURE that they aren't killed off, since you absolutely CANNOT kill off a primary/registered character. I thought you all might like to know this.

The registered thing also makes it easier to discern what character posted where when you open a thread.

[ 08-13-2002 10:19 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 08-13-2002 10:18 AM    
This is just yet ANOTHER reminder for all the newbies to REGISTER characters. This doesn't mean to simply give them a profile on the descriptions forum (which is also necessary). This means you need to make sure EVERY MAIN CHARACTER you have is a REGISTERED MEMBER on this site.

Or else your character can be killed at any time...